From Novice to Coffee Connoisseur: A Malaysian Student's Journey Through SCA Programs in Japan

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In January 2024, an ambitious student from Malaysia embarked on a transformative journey at our coffee school in Japan. With aspirations of opening his own coffee shop, he began with the foundational pillars of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) program, renowned for its comprehensive curriculum and English-language instruction.

Embracing the Essentials with SCA Foundations

His educational adventure started with "Introduction to Coffee," a course designed to ignite passion and expand knowledge about the global coffee industry. From the rich history to the complex life cycle of the coffee bean, this was just the beginning.

The student then immersed himself in the "Brewing Foundation" course, where the alchemy of water and coffee comes to life. Here, he learned the techniques and principles behind brewing the perfect cup, a critical skill for any aspiring barista.

Simultaneously, he tackled the "Barista Foundation" to master the art of espresso-making, milk texturing, and the critical service skills necessary to excel in a coffee shop setting.

"Sensory Foundation" was next on his list, sharpening his palate and teaching him the nuances of flavor, aroma, and the art of coffee tasting.

Completing his foundational journey, "Roasting Foundation" offered him an understanding of the roasting process, unlocking the flavors encased within green coffee beans.

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A Step Closer to His Dream

By March 2024, the student had not only absorbed the rich knowledge from the SCA foundation courses but was also back to deepen his expertise with intermediate-level training. With each course, he built a solid foundation for his coffee expertise, inching closer to his entrepreneurial dream.

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Why Our Japan SCA Coffee Program?

Our SCA coffee program in Japan is a beacon for coffee education in Asia. We pride ourselves on offering English-taught courses that cater to an international audience, making quality coffee education accessible to all.

This Malaysian student's dedication exemplifies the potential of our SCA program to pave the way for coffee enthusiasts to turn their passion into a profession.

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Join Our Legacy of Coffee Excellence

Inspired to craft your coffee story? Our SCA-certified courses in Japan are your starting line. For those who dream of a career in coffee, from bean to cup, our doors are open. Visit us to start with our foundation courses and progress through our intermediate programs, just like our successful student from Malaysia.

Enroll now and begin your journey towards becoming a coffee connoisseur and future coffee shop owner, right here in the heart of Japan's bustling coffee scene.

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